Exothermic Connections: <Thermite Welding Accessories>

 Mould Handle Clamp:
They are designed to handle the moulds. The type of clump depends on the mould size and shape.
It is used to remove the slag from the mould after each joint and the increase life of the mould. 
 Flint Igniter:
It is used for easy fusion of starting powder. Standard new flints can be used as replacement.

 Conductor Cleaning Brush:
It is used to clean the conductors before making the perfect joints.
 Cleaning Brush:
It is used to clean the inner side of mould after each joint hence increase the life of mould.

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Thermite Weld/ Rail weld Pakistan according to international standard and specifications.

Opening Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 10.00am - 06.00pm
Sunday : Closed

+92 0322 410 15 87
+92 0304 000 62 22

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